How to Cancel Glassdoor

Glassdoor is also known as

  • Glassdoor
  • Glassdoor, Inc.

About Glassdoor

In today’s digital age, finding a job online has become the norm. With countless job search websites and online networking platforms available, job seekers can easily search for and apply to job openings from the comfort of their own home. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. The first step to finding a job online is to create an effective online profile. This includes updating your LinkedIn profile, creating a professional email address, and ensuring that your social media accounts present a positive image of you. Your online presence is often the first impression employers will have of you, so it’s important to make it count. Job search engines such as Indeed, Monster, and Glassdoor are great places to start your job search. These websites aggregate job listings from multiple sources, allowing you to easily search and apply for jobs that match your skills and experience. Many companies post job openings directly on their websites. This can be a great way to find job openings that may not be listed on job search engines. Make a list of companies that interest you and check their websites regularly for job postings. Networking online can be just as valuable as networking in person. Join LinkedIn groups in your industry and engage with other professionals. This can help you build relationships and potentially lead to job opportunities. Additionally, reach out to your personal and professional contacts and let them know you’re looking for a job. They may be able to provide leads or referrals. Tailor your resume and cover letter to each job you apply for. This shows that you’ve taken the time to understand the job requirements and are genuinely interested in the position. Make sure to highlight your relevant experience and skills. After you’ve submitted your application, follow up with the employer. Send a brief email thanking them for considering your application and expressing your interest in the position. This can help you stand out from other applicants and show that you’re proactive. Finding a job online can be a daunting task, but by following these tips and strategies, you can increase your chances of finding the right job for you. Remember to stay organized, be persistent, and showcase your skills and experience in the best possible light. With time and effort, you’ll find the job you’ve been searching for. Glassdoor is a job and recruiting site that offers an inside look at company reviews, salary information, interview questions, and job openings. It was founded in 2007 by Robert Hohman, Tim Besse, and Rich Barton, and has since grown to become one of the most popular job sites on the internet. With over 55 million registered users and more than 10 million reviews of companies, Glassdoor has become a trusted source of information for job seekers and employers alike. One of the key features of Glassdoor is the ability for current and former employees to anonymously leave reviews about their company. This allows job seekers to get a sense of what it’s like to work at a particular company, including the company culture, work-life balance, salary and benefits, and the quality of management. In addition to reviews, Glassdoor also provides information on job openings, salaries, and interview questions, making it a comprehensive resource for anyone looking for a job. Glassdoor’s mission is to help people find a job and company they love, and they do this by providing transparency into the hiring process. By allowing employees to leave anonymous reviews, Glassdoor is able to provide an unfiltered look at what it’s like to work at a particular company. This transparency can be incredibly valuable for job seekers who want to make an informed decision about where to work. For employers, Glassdoor can be a useful tool for managing their company’s reputation. By responding to reviews, employers can address any concerns raised by employees and show that they are committed to improving the work environment. Glassdoor also offers paid services for employers, including the ability to post job openings and promote their employer brand. Overall, Glassdoor has revolutionized the job search process by providing a platform for employees to share their experiences and for job seekers to find companies that align with their values and work preferences. Its emphasis on transparency has created a more level playing field for job seekers, and has forced employers to take a closer look at their company culture and employee satisfaction. As the job market continues to evolve, Glassdoor will undoubtedly continue to play a significant role in shaping the future of work. While Glassdoor offers free access to its basic features, it also offers paid subscriptions that provide additional benefits for job seekers and employers. For job seekers, Glassdoor’s paid subscription service is called “Glassdoor Premium.” The cost of Glassdoor Premium varies by country and currency, but in the United States, it is currently priced at $29.95 per month or $299 per year. With Glassdoor Premium, job seekers can access additional information such as salary reports, interview questions, and more detailed company reviews. For employers, Glassdoor offers a range of paid services that help them attract and hire top talent. These services include job posting packages, employer branding solutions, and recruitment advertising. The cost of these services varies depending on the specific needs of the employer, and they are typically sold on a per-job or per-campaign basis. It’s important to note that Glassdoor occasionally offers promotional discounts on its subscription services, so it’s worth checking their website or signing up for their email newsletter to stay informed about any current offers.


Get together the following account information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Username
  • Password
  • Billing Address
  • City
  • State/Province/Region
  • ZIP/Postal Code
  • Country
  • Reason for Cancellation
  • Last 4 Digits of Card
  • Date of Last Charge
  • Amount of Last Charge

Phone (Live Agent)

Follow these steps:

  1. Pick up your phone and call (800) 318-3229
  2. Tell the rep you need to cancel
  3. Request that the agent emails you confirmation or gives you a verbal confirmation code
  4. Keep the proof given to you for your records

Web Form

Follow these steps:

  1. Goto the website
  2. So they can find your account, give the rep your information when asked for it
  3. Click on the link or button that says Submit
  4. Keep the proof given to you for your records

MORE ABOUT Glassdoor

Address Information
Address 1100 Shoreline Highway
CityMill Valley
Zip/Postal Code94941
CountryUnited StatesĀ 
Contact Information
Phone 1(800) 318-3229
Phone 2(415) 339-9105
Email 1[email protected]
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