How to Cancel Noom

Noom is also known as

  • Noom

About Noom

One of the most well-known weight reduction apps on the market today, Noom first appeared on the scene in 2008. Noom employs all the self-monitoring techniques used in conventional diets, including calorie counting and food entry, despite its claim that it is not a dieting app. It is special in a few significant respects, though. To help you make better eating decisions and habit changes so you can achieve your objectives, including weight loss, Noom employs a psychology-based approach. It’s not just about getting into your old jeans—about it’s living a healthier lifestyle. The true objective is to be healthy; the jeans are just a bonus. With Noom, it’s not just about what you’re consuming; it’s also about discovering nutritious recipes and analyzing your relationship with food. Noom appears to be more of a thorough wellness program that combines nutrition, exercise, and behavior. This idea is not novel, but Noom does a better job of packaging and marketing the tools than other programs. There are no studies that compare the efficacy of Noom to that of other diet applications. However, a survey of 36,000 Noom users revealed that 78% of participants lost weight after nine months of use, 23% of whom lost more than 10% of their starting weight. However, that is insufficient study to provide a complete picture. One of the greatest challenges for dieters is the lack of data on how well people can maintain their new weight over the long term. Instead of a diet program, Noom views itself as a “lifestyle” app. Noom’s main objective is to assist you in losing weight. Several questions are requested of you when you sign up. It will take some time to get through them all, but if you do, Noom will have the best opportunity to tailor your health plan to suit your needs and your goals. Standard inquiries about your height, weight, and gender are followed by inquiries about your objectives and driving forces. The number of calories Noom suggests you consume during your program depends on the weight loss objectives and timelines you decide upon. (The greater the weight loss goal, the greater the calorie imbalance that must be maintained.) Notice that Noom won’t suggest a diet that contains less than 1,200 calories per day for women and 1,400 calories per day for men, regardless of your target weight. Online testimonials indicate that Noom frequently suggests that lower maximum. But for the majority of people, 1,200 or 1,400 calories is way too little. For perspective, the US Food and Drug Administration only advises consuming these few calories for young children (and even then, only if they are not particularly active). The educational material that Noom provides is one way it differs from other apps. It does more than just assist you in losing weight; it also educates you about diet and asks you to consider your motivations and objectives. The majority of apps allow you to establish and track goals. Noom offers biometric monitoring as well. You can decide how frequently you want to communicate with the Noom virtual guide. Customers appreciate this flexibility because it gives them the freedom to choose how much help they require. Notably, coaching takes place via a chat feature rather than a phone call or video contact. Unsurprisingly, Noom depends entirely on your diet. Food is divided into three categories by Noom: green, yellow, and red. The caloric density of the foods in each group is indicated by their color. The foods with the highest amount of nutrients and the lowest caloric density are those in the green category. In contrast, red foods like cake or chips have the most calories and the fewest minerals. Noom suggests a distribution of 25% red foods, 45% red foods, and 30% green foods. Because it is more realistic than other applications, customers prefer this. Although it suggests limiting your intake of foods in the “red” group, it doesn’t completely forbid any foods. A fairly comprehensive collection of recipes and a breakdown of their colors can be found on Noom. So you can meal prep from the app if you’re beginning from scratch. Noom offers discounts when you buy numerous months at once, with monthly subscriptions starting at $70. It’s not the most affordable software available. In reality, free apps with some of the same functions exist. Noom might be a worthwhile investment if you believe you will gain from the tutoring features and genuinely want to learn more about leading a healthy lifestyle. The app itself is straightforward to use, and signing up is simple. Nothing is difficult to locate on the app because everything is arranged logically. You could get by just using the home page if you didn’t want to use any of the optional options. Many diets out there exclude particular food categories. In the end, this can result in unhealthy eating behaviors, even though it might be a useful strategy for tipping the scales in your favor. No food group is off-bounds when using Noom. Yes, food is grouped by calorie density, and each area includes recommendations, but nothing is portrayed as inedible. Even if Noom advises you to consume fewer of those high-sugar or fatty foods, you have the freedom and autonomy to eat what you want. It all comes down to reducing weight in the end. The voyage Noom leads you on, though, is more all-encompassing than that. More than just the meals you enter into the tracker are involved. Noom wants to assist you in forming good eating patterns and breaking bad ones. Additionally, it reaffirms the notion that it’s acceptable to err or consume something purely out of indulgence. Noom comes off as more of a sympathetic companion than a drill sergeant. This might support sustained weight loss and a healthy way of living.


Get together the following account information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Username
  • Password
  • Billing Address
  • City
  • State/Province/Region
  • ZIP/Postal Code
  • Country
  • Reason for Cancellation
  • Last 4 Digits of Card
  • Date of Last Charge
  • Amount of Last Charge


Follow these steps:

  1. Compose an email  including all available account information, and request cancellation
  2. Send your email to [email protected].

Web Form

Follow these steps:

  1. Goto the website
  2. Pick “Cancel My Subscription”
  3. Click on the link or button that says “NO” under “Did This Answer Your Question?”
  4. So they can find your account, give the rep your information when asked for it
  5. Click on the link or button that says “Submit”
  6. Keep the proof given to you for your records


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