How to Cancel ASPCA Pet Insurance

ASPCA Pet Insurance is also known as

  • ASPCA Insurance
  • ASPCA Pet Insurance

About ASPCA Pet Insurance

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) is a non-profit organization devoted to animal cruelty prevention. Since its inception in 1866 in New York City, the organization’s goal has been “to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.” The ASPCA’s Farm Animal Welfare Program includes a “Shop With Your Heart” campaign that instructs consumers on how to make animal welfare-conscious food purchasing decisions, such as seeking out meat, egg, and dairy products certified by one of three credible animal welfare certifications, including Global Animal Partnership (GAP), and exploring more plant-based food options. The ASPCA’s Right Horse Initiative aims to increase the number of successful horse adoptions in the United States while also increasing the number of positive outcomes for horses in transition as they move from one home, job, or owner to the next. The ASPCA collaborates with other animal welfare organizations and rescue groups to relocate animals from high-euthanasia regions in animal shelters to areas with higher adoption rates. Animals are frequently transported from the South to the North of the United States. Animals may be transported by aircraft or vehicles and may be relayed numerous times between transporters along the route. The ASPCA had a fleet of 18 transport vehicles as of March 2022. Between 2017 and 2022, the organization relocated roughly 200,000 animals. The ASPCA Pet Health Insurance program provides “Complete Coverage,” a complete plan that includes accidents and illnesses. This plan pays for things like fractured bones, torn ligaments, and toxic ingestion. Hypothyroidism, digestive problems, ear infections, and urinary system infections are all examples of illnesses. (UTI), Ultrasounds, MRIs, and bloodwork are examples of medical procedures. Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), eye disorders, heart disease, and hip dysplasia are examples of hereditary and congenital illnesses. Alternative treatments such as rehabilitative therapy and chiropractic care can help. Cancer and diabetes are two examples of chronic diseases. Excessive licking, pacing, destructive chewing, and fur pulling are examples of behavioral problems. Prescription drugs, as well as microchip insertion. You can also add wellness benefits to your ASPCA Pet Health Insurance plan to help pay for preventive treatment like vaccinations, flea and tick medications, and dental cleanings. Certain issues are generally not covered by pet insurance. Pre-existing conditions that occur before coverage starts are not covered by ASPCA Pet Health Insurance policies. Costs for cosmetic treatments such as ear cropping, tail docking, and claw removal, as well as breeding. While pre-existing conditions are not covered by ASPCA pet insurance, your policy may cover sickness or injury that is cured and free of treatment and symptoms for 180 days, excluding knee and ligament conditions. It’s natural to believe that once you purchase a pet insurance policy, your coverage will commence immediately. This, unfortunately, is not the situation. The waiting period is the quantity of time you must wait after purchasing pet insurance before your coverage takes effect. Furthermore, various insurance companies have varying waiting periods for accidents, illnesses, and other chronic conditions. The ASPCA Pet Health Insurance has a 14-day accident and illness waiting time. While other pet insurers’ sickness waiting periods average around 14 days, Pets Best and Embrace have accident waiting periods of two or three days. The ASPCA Pet Health Insurance does not have any waiting times for special conditions such as cruciate ligament injuries. If your pet’s breed is more prone to such issues, a longer waiting time may be an issue. In this situation, ASPCA pet insurance is a viable option. Preventive pet care expenses can rapidly add up, from vaccinations to annual check-ups to flea and tick medication. Some pet insurers offer routine care or wellness plans to help mitigate some of these costs. This sort of coverage is available as an add-on to the ASPCA’s pet insurance policy. This is how it works: You will choose a bundle of preventive care coverage (plans start at $9.95 per month). Each plan covers different services and has a different maximum yearly benefit amount. For example, your plan may have a limited annual reimbursement sum of $50 for wellness exams. After you have paid your vet bill, you will file a reimbursement claim. You may be reimbursed for costs such as wellness examinations, dental cleanings, heartworm/flea prevention, blood screenings, spay/neuter, vaccinations, fecal screening, and urinalysis depending on the plan you choose. An annual coverage limit is a cap on the amount of cat insurance benefits paid by your insurer during the plan year. When you hit your coverage limit, you are responsible for your pet’s healthcare costs for the rest of the year. The ASPCA offers yearly limits of $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, $7,000, and $10,000. You must pay a set amount of vet costs, known as the deductible before your insurance provider will reimburse you for any vet bills. The deductible varies from $100 to $500. The reimbursement percentage is the percentage of qualifying costs paid by the plan, which is typically between 70 and 90%.


Get together the following account information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Username
  • Password
  • Billing Address
  • City
  • State/Province/Region
  • ZIP/Postal Code
  • Country
  • Reason for Cancellation
  • Last 4 Digits of Card
  • Date of Last Charge
  • Amount of Last Charge

Phone (Live Agent)

Follow these steps:

  1. Pick up your phone and call 866-204-6764
  2. Pick phone menu option 2, then 3
  3. Tell the rep you need to cancel
  4. So they can find your account, give the rep your information when asked for it
  5. Request that the agent emails you confirmation or gives you a verbal confirmation code
  6. Keep the proof given to you for your records


Address 1PO Box 1973
Address 2305 Madison Avenue
Zip/Postal Code07962
CountryUnited States
Contact Information
Phone 1866-204-6764
Phone 2888-716-1203
Email 1[email protected]
Email 2[email protected]
Email 3[email protected]
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